
随着时代的发展,大家购买物品时不再只注重实用性,颜值成为重要的考虑因素。那么,夺取销量冠军的华为笔记本究竟有什么样的魅力呢?我们来看看权威时尚杂志GStyle Magazine是如何评价华为MateBook X Pro的。
超高颜值 眼前一亮
华为MateBook X Pro定位于高端专业人群,采用“Pure & Invisible” 极简设计理念,侧边曲线收弧,航空级铝合金CNC钻切,手感圆滑顺畅。
权威时尚杂志GStyle Magazine称:“华为MateBook X Pro做到了让你眼前一亮,让你情不自禁发出赞叹!”
Every so often you get to see a laptop and say wow and Huawei has achieved that with the MateBook X Pro.

华为MateBook X Pro登上杂志电子笔封面

轻薄小巧 超长续航
华为MateBook X Pro在最厚处仅14.9mm、重量仅1.37Kg的纤薄机身中塞入57.4Wh(典型容量)大电池,超过了苹果MacBook Pro的49.5Wh(No Touch Bar)和54.5Wh(With Touch Bar)。

GStyle Magazine称:“华为笔记本可用12-15小时,不是吹的。在使用过程中基本不用跑去充电,这是超薄本的一大优势。”
Battery life is estimated to be 12-15 hours depending on your usage and I will say it holds up to that. I haven’t found myself running to the outlet much on it thankfully and that’s a huge plus using an ultrabook.

强劲性能 散热无忧
华为MateBook X Pro具有强劲性能,其搭载第八代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i7/i5处理器,内置8GB/16GB内存+256GB/512GB高速固态硬盘,并支持搭载NVIDIA® GeForce® MX150独立显卡。无论是图形视频处理、office软件办公,或是游戏影音娱乐,都能做到流畅顺滑,体验稳定。

在散热方面,华为MateBook X Pro同样出色,GStyle Magazine评价到:“华为MateBook X Pro两边都有散热口,有助于散热,连续用几个小时,一点不觉得烫。”
Air vents are available on each side to keep the Matebook X Pro cool and I never really experienced any overheating even while grinding on it for various hours.
GStyle Magazine总结了华为MateBook X Pro的迷人之处:“首先是微边框3K高清显示屏,在14英寸档位超薄本中,这很难得!非常适合看材料和轻微办公,而且轻薄,续航超长,撑上15小时左右没问题。”
Near edge to edge 3K display is unseen and especially on its close to 14” frame. It’s great for viewing content or getting some work done. Its lightweight and is qualified to give you impressive battery life pushing around 15 hours on a good day.
最后,GStyle Magazine称赞:“华为MateBook X Pro凭借强大实力走到了超薄本最前沿。”
MateBook X Pro is at the top of the Ultrabook pile and its for good reason.
可以看出,华为MateBook X Pro拥有超高颜值,轻薄小巧又具备强劲性能,获得权威时尚杂志GStyle Magazine的大力称赞可谓实至名归,是十分值得入手的轻薄本。